Chakra (chuck-rah) is a Sanskrit word that translates to “wheel” and refers to rotating wheels of energy found within the subtle body. Each chakra carries its own function, archetype, gifts, challenges, and aspect of our consciousness. Chakras can be in or out of balance, open or closed, strongly developed or under developed. The state of our chakras changes as our energy changes and is reflected in our life’s circumstances, physical makeup, emotions, patterns, routines, and relationships. While some accounts argue that there may be more than 200 major and minor chakras within an individual’s energy body, Western frameworks focus on 7 major chakras.
Chakras are an important framework to work with and used in many holistic healing methods, including reiki, crystal healing, sound healing, and color therapy.
These 7 chakras exist on a spectrum, with the denser, more physical energies making up the lower chakras, ascending in consciousness and transcendence up through the crown. The Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus often interact as we deal with our physical and situational environment and manifest our desires, while the upper chakras of the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown help us dream, strategize, and understand. The Heart chakra often acts as the bridge between these two systems.
The chakras of the body are interconnected, and you may notice that an imbalance in one is reflected in an imbalance of another. Generally, the health of the Root chakra is inter-reflected in the Heart; the Sacral with the Throat, and the Solar Plexus with the Third Eye. That being said, healthy bodies need a sturdy foundation, so grounding through the Root and achieving a sense of safety is necessary to balance and develop the other chakras.
Review the image below for information on each chakra:
Get the chart at Spirit Guide Gifts on Etsy.
There is so much to know about and experience with chakras. If you’d like to learn more and heal using the chakra framework, I highly recommend the book, Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith.