Disclaimers and FYI’s:
This site is foundationally a blog. It is riddled with my own experiences, biases, and opinions.
My intention with the directory is to spread awareness, pique interest, nurture acceptance, and inspire action towards holistic healing methods. Each description is meant to give a brief overview, and will not fully represent all facets of the method. I don’t intend to answer every question, match readers with healers individually, or include all necessary information within these entries.
I do not make any claims on the universal effectiveness of any healing method, nor on the effectiveness of any healing professional. What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa, so please use discernment.
I consider myself on a healing journey along with the readers, documenting my own experiences and impressions of modalities as I try them. As my experience grows, I will continue to add new entries or edit existing ones. If you’d like to see a specific modality not yet included, please send me a note!